Kampalanews.net – Somalia identity became for sale after individuals started to sell it, waagacusub Media obtained after an investigation.

“To get a Somali passport requires only $ 300 U.S dollar regardless your nationality. Just send the money to Isse Ali dheere to receive it through DHL,” said an official immigration official, who asked to remain anonymous

Mr. Ali Dheere is an official that run the immigration and he never questions the identity of the person that is applying for the passport. He just wants the full name that you want to have the new passport.

A woman that works Italy’s embassy to Uganda shocked when she found out a male passport holder yet his passport has a different gender status, “female”.

Mr. Ali Dheere made money on selling Somali passports and has a nice big house in Mogadishu.

Every person that wants to have Somalia’s E-Passport should pass through a process including signature and should be taken their fingerprints, but that regulation and laws about immigration status do not need any more since Isse Ali dheere relies on relatively powerful two individuals General Gaafoow and Osoble