FM radio “Radio Baadigoob” bewilders Somaliland authorities
Somaliland Police and inteligency services are seaching a new FM radio station known as Baadigoob believed to be belonged by one of the oppsition parties heard in and around Hargeysa, the capital of the self-declared republic of Somaliland. “It strongly believed that it is a kind of portable FM and security forces are bewildered where it is located “ said a senior police officer speaking to Somalireport24 asking not to be mentioned for his safety. The Radio is frequently listened in Hargeysa playing music and song and security forces are reportedly searching it . “ They lookig for the BAADIGOOB Radio and security forces were seen wandering around the town late every night trying to reveal the new radio station” said a resident in Hargeysa who has quited his name mentioned in this report. Government are concerned that this radio station is owned by an opposition party as rifts between Goverment and opposition parties was ascending as the new presidential elections approaching.