Article – “Project Chance to Dance`held istnbul Turkey
Article – “Chance to Dance“
In January 2022, young people from Turkey, Sweden, Finland, Macedonia, Romania, Italy and Bulgaria, had a chance to participate in the youth exchange “Chance to dance” about folk dances as a tool to fight against discrimination, marginalization, prejudices and stereotypes. We had a lot of games, workshops, theoretical lessons and dancing exercises and performance.
Participants were learning folk dances from each country. By the end of the youth exchange few dancing leaders took the responsibility to create a new choreography that include steps and elements from the folk dances of each participating country. As a final event, participants performed the final dance that represents unity of different culture and called the dance: European dance!
One part of the training which cannot be missed is the intercultural nights. They were well organized, in several nights the tables were covered with delicious foods and drinks which people had brought from their countries. The hosts of the night taught national dances and played interesting games. The participants made this youth exchange particularly unique. All youngsters were dedicated on the topic of dances and hopefully they will continue working on it to make the project happen again in the near future. Each participant went home with new knowledge on folk dances and cultures, unforgettable memories, new friendship and new partnerships for future projects.
The project was in the context of Erasmus+ and funded by EU and Sweden National Agency.
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#Erasmus+ #YouthInAction #ChanceToDance #Dancing #Inclusion #YouthExchange