How the can government protect the residents , government instalations and International organizations as threats of suicde attacks could be immenent any time soon or later – Analysis
In the last few weeks Mogadishu has witnessed serious of suicide attacks from al shabaab, an Islamic rebel group affiliated with Al-Qa’ida fighting against Somali government and AMISOM forces .
The militia who has met setbacks after their main base in Barawe and other key towns were took over by government security and African Union forces seem trying launch retaliation attacks and change their tactic into fury attacks against key government positions and public places in the capital.
In the last week , two major suicide attacks occurred in the capital and many people lost their life.
People in Mogadishu don’t feel safe and most residents decided staying indoors , as Mohamed Abdi, a resident in Mogadishu told
“ Security concerns was to blame lack of sufficient intelligence gathering and government’s security apparatus lacking proper precautions against attacks by al shabaab” said Abdulahi Sahal, a former Somali army colonel in Mogadishu.
Somalia’s Interior Security Minister Khalif Ereg said that special forces will be deployed in the main public places in Mogadishu coping security threats fighting against suicide attacks although this sounds “Impossible” as cited by Mohamed Ahmed who lives in Hammerwein neighbourhood in Mogadishu.
“ We are trying our best to stop those suicide attack threats ahead but we can’t stop somebody who is blowing himself “ Khalif Ereg.
The government insists that residents should inform about any movement about suspect able action against possible al shabaab attacks despite lack of proper protection against al shabaab offered those supportive to government security apparatus.
The question asked by many is How can the government protect the residents , government installations and International organizations as threats of suicide attacks could be imminent any time soon or later –